Santa Fe Botanical Garden – Museum Hill – Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What’s Blooming in the Garden   

Ken & Susan Bower – Volunteer Docents

(Tip for identifying and remembering plants: Examine closely in detail the shape, size, color,

texture of the whole plant, the stems/stalk, the leaves, the flowers and buds.)


1.     speedwell, wooly -Veronica pectinata

2.     bluestem joint fir – Ephedra equisetina

3.     Utah serviceberry – Amelanchier utahensis

4.     'Indian Magic' crabapple - Malus × 'Indian Magic'

5.     'Radiant' crabapple - Malus × 'Radiant'

6.     western sand cherry - Prunus pumila var. besseyi

7.     'Blue Ice' Arizona cypress - Cupressus arizonica var. glabra 'Blue Ice'

8.     Japanese elm – Ulmus propinqua ‘JFS-Bieberich’ EMERALD SUNSHINE ®

9.      ‘Stanley’ plum – Prunus domestica ‘Stanley’

10.  'Ginger Gold' apple - Malus domestica GINGER GOLD®

11.  'Red Jonathan' apple - Malus domestica 'Red Jonathan'

12.  'Harrow Delight' pear - Pyrus communis 'Harrow Delight'

13.  'Black Gold' cherry - Prunus avium 'Black Gold'

14.  ‘Surefire’ cherry – Prunus cerasus ‘Surefire’

15.  verbena, purple - Glandularia bipinnatifida

16.  grape hyacinthMuscari armeniacum

17.  common dandelion - Taraxacum campylodes

18.  claret cup hedgehog cactus – Echinocereus coccineus

19.  Texas red oak - Quercus buckleyi

20.  chives - Allium schoenoprasum

21.  bur oak – Quercus macrocarpa

22.  wax currant - Ribes cereum

23.  blue flax – Linum perenne

24.  Gambel oak –Quercus gambelii

25.  one-seed juniper – Juniperus monosperma

26.  piñon pine – Pinus edulis