The Orchard Gardens Map & Locations

Click on locations above to go to each section

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Sections as you walk into the garden from the entry gate

Section 1 - Welcome Garden North (to the right)

Section 2 - Welcome Garden South Behind the Entry Kiosk (to the left)

Section 3 - Meadow Garden

Section 4 - Around and behind the North Ramada

Section 5 - Rose & Lavender Walk

Section 6 - Orchard Garden

Section 7L - Perennial Border left of the Orchard Garden

Section 8L - Perennial Border to the left of the South Ramada

Section 8R - Perennial Border to the right of the South Ramada

Section 7R - Perennial Border right of the Orchard Garden

Section 8 - South Ramada

Section 9 - Dry Garden "Hot Box"

Section 9a - Between the Orchard Garden and the "Hot Box"

Section 10 - Nature/Art Trail from the Hendricksen Pavillion

Secton 11 - from the Hendricksen Pavillion to the Red Bridge

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