Listing of Businesses in Smithville, Texas


Powell, J.H.E. Decherd & Co. Drug Store 1890 1895 Smithville Times
Alexander, Alexander & Sass 1880
Amann, Dora Royal Steam Laundry, bookkeeper 1899
Amann, Kate Milliner & dressmaker 1894
Arnold, C.G. artistic painter & paper hanger 1800’s
Bell, City Barber Shop 1895
Bennel, Bennel Pharmacy 1897
Blue, Lillie Royal Steam Laundry, starcher 1899
Boiller, Bollier & Ahrens Dry Goods, shoes & notions 1896
Brau, Drayman Freight hauler w/wagon and mule 1800’s
Burleson, J. B. Burleson , J.B. & Son Druggist 1890 bought out by Decherd & Co. Drug in 1895
Burleson, Murray Mgr. Smithville Town Co., Burleson & Smith Merch. (&Taylor 1872) 1891
Byrne, Roger Byrne Saloon 1893 from Early History of Smithvillle, TX
C.G.Decherd, J.H.E. Powell & G.W. Jones Decherd & Co. Drug Store 1890 1895 Smithville Times
Calcasieu, Calcasieu’s Lumber 1891 from Smithville Times 1895
Carmichael, O.H. blacksmith 1891
Catchings, T.J. architect and builder 1898 at Rabb Lumber Yard
Chancellor, Chancellors’ Dry Goods 1893 Early History of Smithville, p. 12
Christian, Dr. C.R. Christian, Dr. Drug Store 1880 1895 Smithville Times
Cobb, W.H. Smithville Transcript newspaper 1898
Collins, T.C livery and undertaking 1894 A.A. Harrison was a partner before Colp
Colp, D.E. Colp & Co. 1898
Cook, George architect 1894 came to Smithville in 1894
Crawford, A. P. Crawford Meat Market 1895
Dean, The Cash Grocery 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Dechames, H. M. tinner 1891
Decherd, C.G. Decherd & Co. Drug Store 1890 1895 Smithville Times
Dickson, Dickson Manufacturing Co. , Jewelry 1898
Dwyer, Dwyer Hotel, Dwyer Restaurant 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9 1898
Eagleston, E.H. liquor 1891
Evans, Dr. medical doctor 1876
Fartune, Fartune Rooming & Boarding House 1890’s
Fawcett, Fawcett & Sayers 1891
Fawcett, John Smithville Cooperative Association 1877 Merchantile, President
Fries, J. furniture & sewing machine repair 1800’s
Gentry, B.B. carpenter 1891
Gentry, J.W. Star Barber Shop, barber 1894
Gentry, John Gentry Hotel 1888 1895 Smithville Times
George, Austin Hotel 1888
Gresham,B. J. general merchandise, groceries, furniture 1891
Hafner, V. Walter-Hafner Jewelry Co. 1895 Smithville Transcript, Dec. 9, 1898
Hansssen, Hanssen & Helf Funiture Store 1898 Early History of Smithville, p.14
Harkrider, Harkrider & Smyer Millinery 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Harris, Harris & Hill Pharmacist 1899 Smithville Transcript, March 5, 1899
Hart, G.E. Royal Steam Laundry, machinist 1899
Harwood, Harwood Grocery 1800’s bought from L.T. Saunders
Helf, Hanssen & Helf Funiture Store 1898
Henderson, H.G. Smithville Furniture and Installment House 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Hickman, Dr. G.W.V. medical doctor 1895
Highsmith, Highsmith & Staples, attorneys 1895
Hill, L. Hill & Sons of Pittsburg, TX 1899
Hill, Yerger Bank of Smithville 1895
Holmes, W.H. Holmes Furniture Store 1800’s
Hudgins, J.T. Hudgins & Co. Store 1887 Smithville Times
Hudgins, W.C. Saloon 1888 Smithville Times
Janssen, Janssen and Helf Furniture 1898
Johnson, J.B. tailor 1897
Jones, Jones & McDavid 1891
Jones, G.W. Decherd & Co. Drug Store 1890 Smithville Time, 1895
Jouner, Dr. H.A. dentist 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Kellun, City Barber Shop 1895
Kesselos, William suits 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Kuhlminn, Henry Boarding House and  Beer Saloon 1888 Smithville Times, 1895
Leshikar, J.C. Place Saloon, proprietor 1898
Mackrell, W.H. Smithville Tin & Sheet Metal Works, owner 1800’s
Maney, Maney Opera House 1895
Maney, M.E. Royal Steam Laundry, proprietor 1899
Martin, J.R. Saddles, Harness and Hardware 1895
Mayfield, Dr. A.B. medical doctor 1895
Maysounave, H. merchant tailor 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
McCaskill, K.H. blacksmith 1887 Smithville Times, 1895
McDavid, Jones & McDavid 1891
McMillan, John barber 1891
Meyers, Green Flag Store 1895 managed by J. Fischer
Middleton, J.J. Lone Star Bakery 1893 Early History of Smithville, TX p.12
Mitchell, D.J. Furniture Store 1897
Mohler, J.M. Wheelwright and Repairs 1895 Smithville Times, 1895
Montgomery, James D. attorney 1895 first elected city attorney
Moore, J.M. Grocery 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Moore, Maymie Royal Steam Laundry, ironer 1899
Morris, J.W. attorney? 1899 Smithville Transcript, March 18, 1899
Mounger, W.I. liquor business 1891
Nash, J.O. 1891
Nash, Mrs. C.V. postmistress 1891
Pannel, Mrs. Bettie milliner 1891
Pierce, R.L. contractor 1800’s
Plummer, W.M. contractor and builder 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Powell, Dr. J.H.E. medical doctor 1880 Smithville Times, Sept. 9, 1898
Rabb, Rabb Lumber Yard 1893 bought by Calcasieu’s in 1891
Redfield, R.H. blacksmith 1894
Renick, Rev. J.M. Smithville Cooperative Association 1877 Merchantile, business mgr.
Rinehart, R.P. Royal Steam Laundry, mgr. 1899
Rosenfield, A. Smithville Cooperative Association 1877 Merchantile, co-mgr.
Sass, B. Smithville Cooperative Association 1877 Merchantile, co-manager
Saunders, L.T. Saunders Grocery 1898 bought out Dan Grocery and Feed
Schultz, F. Hardware 1895 Smithville Transcript, Sept . 9, 1898
Shraud, D.S. Beer Agency 1897
Smith, C.M. Shadbolt Hotel 1896 later owned by the Turney’s
Smyer, Harkrider & Smyer Millinery 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Staples, S.L. Highsmith & Staples, attorneys 1895
Taylor, Dr. Smithville Cooperative Association 1877 Merchantile, V.Pres.
Taylor, Dr. J.B. medical doctor, Smithville Coop. Assn, 1876
Thompson, Dr. W.P.P. medical doctor 1898 office in Bennett Pharmacy
Turner, R.F. lawyer 1897 Smithville Transcript, March 18, 1899
Turney, Turney & Son Lumber Yard 1894
Veazey, Arthur Royal Steam Laundry, delivery man 1899
Vick, Dr. R.M. dentist 1800’s
Walter, Walter-Hafner Jewelry Co. 1898 Smithville Transcript, Dec.9, 1898
Weist, Dr. A.K. medical doctor 1897
White, R.E. granite, steel and tinware salesman 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Wilhelm, Taylor & Wilhelm 1891
Wilson, George sewing machines 1800’s
Wilson, T.C. notary public 1898 Smithville Transcript, Sept. 9, 1898
Wilson, W.T. Dray Line 1894
Winston, E.G. 1891
Young, Turney & Young Brickyard 1895

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