Ethnobotanical Exercises for the

Presentation for the Santa Fe Botanical Garden

Docent Training Class - April 15, 2023

by Ken Bower, Ed.D., Volunteer Docent

Whether you are leading a tour as a docent, are asked a question by a guest or you just need to have an answer to a plant question you might have, you have resources to help you out! I have linked the information that you will need to two internet webpages- the official website of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden and my private website Eldorado Windy Farm/Ojo y Manos. You will find that by using both of these sites most of your questions can be answered.

You are walking through Ojo y Manos with guests and you are asked:

1. What is Ojo y Manos and when was it opened?

2. You walk over the red bridge and want to tell the group about some of the plants that are growing to the left of the path. You then click on a particular plant to find out its uses. (This will bring up a specific page with the names of the plant, a photo of the plant, the various ethnobotanical uses and some possible external internet resources.) Plants in all areas of the OyM trail can be found on the Map and Location page.

You can also find other plants that have the same uses for FoodWood & ToolsWeaving & Dying, Medical or the many Other Uses.

3. You are asked the specific location of a certain plant of interest. You go to the main page of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden and scroll down and click on the Garden Explorer. Put the common or scientific name in the blank and click SEARCH. You will find a map of the garden with specific location(s) of the plant in question.


1. You want to know all of the plants in Ojo y Manos that have been used for tools by the native Americans.

2. Someone has asked you where the western yarrow plants are located in the garden.

3. You know what an apache plume (Fallugia paradoxa) looks like, but you want to know its ethnobotanical uses.

4. You have learned the ethnobotanical uses for the apache plume (Fallugia paradoxa) and you are interested to learn what other plants in the Botanical Garden have simiar uses.

For further information you may email me at  email me at