Locust, New Mexico - Robinia neomexicana

Ethnobotanical Uses



"Hopi Emetic Used as an emetic to purify the stomach. --- (Moerman 481)


"Apache, Chiricahua & Mescalero Vegetable Raw pods eaten as food. Winter Use Food Pods cooked and stored. --- Apache, Mescalero Dried Food Flowers boiled, dried, and stored for winter food use. Unspecified Fresh flowers cooked with meat or bones and used for food. --- Apache, White Mountain Vegetable Beans and pods used for food.--- Jemez Unspecified Large clusters of flowers eaten without preparation. --- Flowers eaten as food.---" (Moerman 481)

Other Uses:

"Hualapai Furniture Branches used to make cradleboards. --- Apache, Mescalero Hunting & Fishing Item Wood used to make high-quality bows. --- Hualapai Hunting & Fishing Item Wood, cured for a year, used to make hunting bows. --- Jemez Hunting & Fishing Item Tough, elastic branches used to make bows. --- Keres, Western Hunting & Fishing Item Branches used in making arrow shafts. --- Tewa Hunting & Fishing Item Wood used to make bows. --- (Moerman 481)