Lamb's-Quarter - Chenopodium album

(Goosefoot, Pigweed)

Ethnobotanical Uses


"Leaves, stalks, and flowers are edible raw or cooked. Seeds are also edible sprouted or cooked. Seeds must be thrashed and winnowed and can be eaten cooked or sprouted." (Morgan 87)

Recipe 1: Crisp Tofu Squares

"Cut 1 block firm tofu into 1/2"-1" squares. Heat 3 tablespoons canola oil in saucepan until it sizzles when you throw a drop of water onto it. Fry tofu squares until crisp on all sides, tossing gently as they cook

"---Navajo Dietary Aid Plant used as a nutrient." (Moerman 154)

"Apache Vegetable Young plants cooked as greens. --- Apache, Chiricahua & Mescalero Unspecified Eaten without preparation or cooked with green chile and neat or animal bones. --- Pueblo Vegetable Young plants cooked as greens. --- Zuni Vegetable Young plants cooked as greens. --- (Moerman 154)


"---Navajo, Kayenta Burn Dressing Poultice of plant applied to burns. --- Navajo, Ramah Antidote Stem, 3 inches long, made into snake figure for snake infection. ---" (Moerman 154)

"Lamb's-quarters is rich in vitamins A and C and calcium and is also mildly laxative. The leaves were used as poultices on burns, swellings, wounds and inflamed eyes. They were also bruised and applied to the heads of people suffering from headaches, heat stroke and dizziness. Chewed leaves helped to relieve aching teeth. Lamb's-quarters tea was taken to relieve stomach pains, rheumatism and arthritis." (Kershaw 203)